High Efficiency Heat Pumps

Will a Heat Pump Save You Money?

While heat pump technology is not new, the equipment and technology are always advancing. That means you can put a heat pump to work for your business and save. A heat pump uses technology similar to a refrigerator or freezer to heat or cool your home. Rather than combusting a fuel, heat pumps use electric power to move heat from an outside source to inside your facility. Ultimately, what that means is you can heat more efficiently and see the results in your energy costs.

Save Money with a Heat Pump Incentive.

If you’re looking to install a heat pump, there could be an incentive that fits your project. NHEC provides heat pump incentives for members building new or converting existing heating systems.

For more information regarding Heat Pumps and available commercial incentives, please contact Joe Lajewski at lajewskij@nhec.com or 603.536.8663.