Impact of Jan. 1 Rate Change Is 22 Cents per month by NHEC | Jan 2, 2019 | Uncategorized | 0 comments Rate changes effective with bills rendered starting January 1, 2019 will result in an overall bill increase of 0.2%, or $0.22 per month, for a typical residential member using NHEC’s Co-op Power energy service. The bill increase is the net result of two charges on your bill, the System Benefit Charge and the Consumption Tax. The System Benefit Charge, a per kWh charge mandated by the State of New Hampshire, funds energy efficiency programs and income qualified bill paying assistance. The Energy Efficiency component of the System Benefits Charge will increase from $0.00275 to $0.00373 per kWh. The Consumption Tax was a $0.00055 kWh charge mandated by the State of New Hampshire and pursuant to House Bill 517 being signed into law in 2017, the Consumption Tax has been repealed effective January 1, 2019. In addition, two non-financial changes will be made to members’ bills on January 1, 2019. The $0.00027 per kWh Business Enterprise Tax charge will now be bundled into the Distribution Delivery kWh Charge. In addition, members with rate schedules ending in ‘H,’ (e.g. ‘BH’, ‘LBH’), will be moved to the corresponding default primary rate schedules (e.g. ‘B’, ‘LB’). There will be no financial impact resulting from these presentation-only changes.