Notice of Commencement of Adjudicative Proceeding for 2024–2026 Statewide Triennial Energy Efficiency Plan by NHEC | Jul 14, 2023 | Energy Efficiency, Uncategorized COMMENCEMENT OF ADJUDICATIVE PROCEEDING On June 30, 2023, New Hampshire’s joint utilities, consisting of Liberty Utilities (Granite State Electric) Corp. d/b/a Liberty; New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Inc.; Public Service Company of New Hampshire d/b/a Eversource Energy; Unitil Energy Systems, Inc.; Liberty Utilities (EnergyNorth Natural Gas) Corp. d/b/a Liberty; and Northern Utilities, Inc. (together, the “joint utilities”) filed a petition requesting approval of the 2024–2026 Statewide Triennial Energy Efficiency (Plan), as required by RSA 374-F:3(d)(5). The petition, Plan, and subsequent docket filings, other than any information for which confidential treatment is requested of or granted by the Commission, will be posted to the Commission’s website at READ THE FULL DOCUMENT HERE