FAQ’s Learn More About Peak Days. 1. Why should I participate in the Peak Days program? The Peak Days program is a great opportunity for members who want to learn more about the connection between the demand for electricity and the cost of that power based on certain hours of the day. These costs are determined based on when you use your electricity. By learning to shift or change your usage to times of the day when costs are lower, which are called “off-peak times”, you are helping NHEC to avoid paying a higher cost for future energy which translates to lower electric costs for members! The Peak Days program allows members to voluntarily assist NHEC in reducing demand during periods of high usage. 2. How Does this Program Work? When the demand for energy is projected to be unusually high, often due to extreme heat, NHEC will call a “critical peak event” and alert participating members to try and curb or shift their usage. By shifting your usage you are helping to alleviate the demand on the electric grid and reducing usage during these highly priced times. NHEC will contact you via your preferred method and you can decide if you can reduce your usage to help your Co-op reduce peak demand. 3. How often are Critical Peak Events Called? No more than 15 critical peak events will be called per year. These events will only occur between June 1 and September 30. Events will last no more than 5 hours and will occur between the hours of 12:00 noon and 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding certain holidays as outlined in the Terms & Conditions. 4. How Long is a Typical Event? Events will last no more than five hours. During these events, the more you can reduce your usage, the more impact your action will have in helping NHEC reduce overall energy costs. 5. Will Any Equipment be Installed in My Home? No, NHEC will not install any equipment in your home, the Peak Days program allows for minimal commitment with no equipment installed, therefore all you need to do is reduce or shift your usage whenever you can! 6. How Can I Sign Up? NHEC has a separate portal for members to sign up which can be accessed here. Or if you prefer, a representative from our Member Solutions department can sign you up by calling 1-800-698-2007. 7. Can I cancel if I decide the program isn’t working for me? Yes! There is no commitment with the Peak Days program. If you want to opt-out of receiving program notifications please contact a Member Solutions representative by calling 1-800-698-2007. 8. Is there any risk involved in joining this program? No, there is no risk, commitment or fees when you join the Peak Days program. 9. I still have more questions, how can I get additional information? You can contact Member Solutions at 1-800-698-2007 or send us an email at gbtp@nhec.com. or, you can refer to our Go Beyond The Peak! program Terms & Conditions.