Plug-in to your Future-Drive Electric!

Ten years ago, electric vehicles seemed so futuristic.  But these days, EVs are becoming a common sight on our roadways.  Consumers have more choices than ever when it comes to driving electric as manufacturers meet growing demand for EVs with many new models, extended mileage ranges and great price points.

Which EV is Right for me?

Electric cars are becoming more mainstream, you’re not alone in wondering whether an electric car is right for you. As the technology supporting electric cars (EVs) and batteries continue to improve, so does the mileage range and the EV charging network.   If you were reluctant to consider an EV because of range concerns, some manufacturers are making cars in the 200+ mile range on a single charge.  EV charging networks are evolving so consumers can map their destinations by charging locations.

Why Buy an EV?

    • Competitively priced: Car model for every budget
    • Economical: Inexpensive to operate and maintain
    • Rebates:  Could earn up to $1000  rebate on purchase or lease of an EV
    • Performance: Higher driving efficiency and increased mileage range
    • Environmental: Lessen carbon footprint and reduce emissions

You might qualify for a rebate

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For more information about our Electric Vehicle programs, please contact Alicia Melanson at or 603.536.8675.

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