Order Nisi Approving Settlement Agreement of Proposed Purchase of Receivables Program

In this order nisi, the Commission approves a settlement agreement between New Hampshire Electric Cooperative, Inc. (NHEC) and the New Hampshire Department of Energy (DOE). The settlement agreement resolves all issues to the reasonable satisfaction of the parties with respect to NHEC’s request for approval of a purchase of receivables (POR) program. This order is issued on a nisi basis, affording notice and opportunity for hearing to the parties in the underlying adjudicative proceeding and other interested persons.


SmartHub Redesign Debuts Feb. 1

SmartHub Redesign Debuts Feb. 1

It’s a new month and there’s a new look for your SmartHub account. SmartHub is your NHEC account manager – view your electric usage, report outages, pay bills and more with SmartHub. Starting February 1, 2024, you’ll see a redesigned look and feel for SmartHub, plus new features that make it even easier to manage your NHEC account. Not a SmartHub user? Join nearly 50,000 NHEC members and download the SmartHub app today for your mobile or PC!

NHEC Sets Deadline for Candidates Seeking Nomination to Board of Directors

PLYMOUTH – Members of the New Hampshire Electric Cooperative (NHEC) interested in being considered for nomination to the NHEC Board of Directors should submit their candidate material to the NHEC Nominating Committee by noon on February 16, 2024.

Any NHEC member in good standing can run for a seat on the board. NHEC members vote annually to fill open seats on the board. To learn more about the director election process, please visit https://www.nhec.com/board-of-directors/director-election-process/. To apply, please contact Maida Lessard (lessardm@nhec.com) for a candidate packet.

“This is an exciting time to be involved with NHEC,” said President/CEO Alyssa Clemsen Roberts. “At a time of great change in the way energy and information is shared, and our expansion into broadband, our board and employees are embracing new ways to support the lives of our member-owners. It’s an important and rewarding job.”

This year, four of the 11 board seats are up for election to three-year terms. Election ballots are mailed to all members in May. Winners will be seated at the Annual Meeting of Members in June.

The NHEC Nominating Committee meets each year to review applications and interview candidates for the board of directors. Committee members consider the needs of the cooperative and nominate a slate of candidates they feel can best meet those needs. The candidates selected will be identified on the ballot as having been nominated by the nominating committee.

NHEC is a member-owned electric distribution cooperative serving 86,000 homes and businesses in 118 New Hampshire communities.

Winter Storm May Cause Widespread Power Outages


A multi-faceted winter storm could cause widespread power outages across the entire state Tuesday night into Wednesday, January 10. Prepare now to be without power, possibly for days.


·       High winds (gusts to 60 mph)

·       Heavy, wet snow (up to a foot in some locations)

·       Heavy rain and flooding



Precipitation starts Tuesday evening (Jan. 9). Greatest impacts are expected overnight Tuesday and early Wednesday morning (Jan. 10).



·       Upper Valley, Sullivan County, north & west of Plymouth:
Strongest wind gusts expected here.

·       Lakes Region & Conway area:
Heavy, wet snow and wind

·       Southeastern NH:
Heavy, wet snow and wind



NHEC has internal and contract crews standing by to respond to power outages as they occur. We encourage you to prepare by reviewing the steps to prepare for a power outage.

·       Stock up on water, batteries, locate flashlights and other safe sources of lighting.

·       Charge cell phones and other mobile devices. Save battery life by turning power settings to low and turning off data. Charge devices as needed from your car.

·       NEVER use generators, camp stoves, charcoal heat indoors.

·       Keep NHEC’s outage reporting contacts handy


·       Text ‘OUT’ to 8559603075 (must have a SmartHub account).

·       Report on your mobile device using the SmartHub app.

·       Report by Phone: 1-800-343-6432.

·       Text ‘STATUS’ to 8559603075 for restoration updates.

·       Live Outage Map w/ETRs when they become available.

·       Facebook & Twitter updates w/ storm pictures.