NHEC Board Appoints Two New Members

PLYMOUTH, NH – The New Hampshire Electric Cooperative (NHEC) Board of Directors has appointed new members to fill two vacancies on the 11-member board.

Peter Laufenberg of Thornton and John Goodrich of Littleton were selected by the board to finish the terms of two former members, Sharon Davis of Campton and Madeline McElaney of Plymouth, who recently resigned in June.

Laufenberg was one of nine candidates running for election to the board this year finishing sixth in voting. Only the top four who received votes from Co-op members were elected to the board of the nonprofit cooperative. Goodrich previously ran for election to the board in 2022 and participated in the Nominating Committee this past election.

“We are delighted to have recruited two highly qualified individuals to serve as Board members who have demonstrated a strong commitment to the New Hampshire Electric Cooperative and its members,” said NHEC Board Chair William Darcy.

Following the appointment of Laufenberg and Goodrich, the NHEC Board also announced its slate of officers:

William Darcy – Chair
Alana Albee – Vice Chair
Jeffrey Morrill – Secretary
Jerry Stringham – Treasurer
Thomas Mongeon – Assistant Treasurer

For more information about the Board of Directors, visit the board’s page at nhec.com.

NHEC Offers New Renewable Energy Rate

PLYMOUTH, NH – New Hampshire Electric Cooperative (NHEC) now offers an optional Renewable Energy Rate for members who wish to support the development of renewable energy in the region.

Members who enroll in the Renewable Energy Rate have the choice to purchase Co-op Power with 50 percent or 100 percent renewable attributes. For the Aug. 1, 2024 to Jan. 31, 2025 rate period, the 50 percent renewable option is 1.861 cents more per kWh than the Basic rate. The 100 percent renewable option is 3.861 cents more per kWh than the Basic rate paid by most members. The added revenue received will be used by NHEC to purchase Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs), which are a way to account for and encourage renewable energy production and use.

“Our purpose is to serve our members, and to provide them with affordable, reliable electric service. We have a diverse membership, a number of whom are passionate about supporting and growing sources of renewable energy. Offering this new renewable rate aligns with our goal as a cooperative to provide energy solutions for all the segments of our membership,” said Alyssa Clemsen Roberts, President & CEO of NHEC.

“Increasingly, our members have expressed a desire to have more of the power they use come from renewable sources. Recognizing this, the board worked to create this option for our members who want to do more to increase the use of renewable energy,” said NHEC Board Chair William Darcy.

The Renewable Energy Rate is available to all members who purchase Co-op Power at the Basic residential classification of service (rate codes B or N01A).

To learn more about NHEC’s Renewable Energy Rate, please visit: www.nhec.com/renewable-energy.

Fourth Consecutive Rate Cut for NHEC Members; Electric Bills Going Down Aug. 1

PLYMOUTH, NH – New Hampshire Electric Cooperative members will benefit from the fourth consecutive rate cut in two years resulting in an overall bill decrease for most members beginning Aug. 1. The NHEC Board of Directors approved the cut this week.

The board’s approval of the rates, combined with NHEC’s strategy and flexibility in purchasing power, will result in a total bill reduction of 6 percent, or about $8 per month for the average Co-op member using 500 kWh. The average member using 1000 kWh will see a reduction of 7 percent, or $16.

“Our mission is to provide our members with affordable, reliable service and that’s exactly what we’re doing. I’m proud of the work our team has done to deliver some of the lowest electric rates in New Hampshire to our members,” said Alyssa Clemsen Roberts, President and CEO of NHEC. “We’ll remain focused on affordability moving forward as it’s one of the key pillars of our five-year strategic plan and we’ll continue to put our members first.”

The upcoming change in August includes a 15 percent reduction in the Co-op Power rate for most members, which reflects the actual cost of power that NHEC purchases. The Regional Access Charge will decrease by 3 percent.

“We’re pleased we’re able to provide another rate cut that will lower our members’ bills and that the rates are lower than proposed by the other investor-owned electric utilities in New Hampshire. With our members experiencing lower bills it is my hope more of them will consider participating in our Round Up program to ensure our continued support of community organizations and programs,” said William Darcy, chair of the NHEC Board of Directors.

Round Up is a voluntary program that increases a member’s monthly bill to the next whole dollar with the difference allotted as a contribution to the New Hampshire Electric Co-op Foundation. The Foundation manages these contributions and uses the funds to issue grants to local charitable organizations and programs that improve the quality of life for our members and our communities.

For more information about NHEC’s rates, including a current schedule of rates, please visit our website: nhec.com/rates-tariffs/.

Four Members Elected to NHEC Board of Directors

PLYMOUTH, NH – Members of New Hampshire Electric Cooperative (NHEC) elected four members to the company’s board of directors.

Jeffrey Morrill of Holderness, Patricia Barbour of Lee, Leo Dwyer of Sandwich and Jerry Stringham of North Woodstock received the most votes and will serve three-year terms. Nine candidates ran to fill four seats on the 11-member board of directors.

Voters rejected a proposed amendment to the NHEC Code of Bylaws after it failed to reach the required supermajority approval of 66% of the votes cast. Election results were announced at NHEC’s 85th Annual Meeting, held June 18 at Owl’s Nest Resort in Thornton.

As a member-owned cooperative, NHEC relies on the active participation of its members to govern and sustain the business. NHEC wishes to thank all members who voted or stood for election. Below are the full results of the 2024 Board of Directors Election.


*Jeffrey Morrill                   3,757
*Patricia Barbour               3,701
*Leo Dwyer                        3,175
*Jerry Stringham                2,968
Paul Bolduc                       2,892
Peter Laufenberg               2,608
Brenda Boisvert                 2,521
Brian Norton                      1,885
James Krull                       1,661

(requires two-thirds majority for passage)

NO     3,450 (53.4%)
YES   3,012 (46.6%)

Voting Opens May 21 in NH Electric Co-op Board Election

PLYMOUTH – Members of New Hampshire Electric Cooperative (NHEC) will be voting to fill four seats on the 11-member Board of Directors when the election opens on May 21.

A field of nine candidates is running for those four seats. Six of the candidates were nominated by the NHEC Nominating Committee, an independent body that reviews the qualifications of each candidate and recommends those it believes would best contribute to the successful operation of NHEC. Three candidates who were not nominated by the committee are running by petition, which required them to gather the signatures of a minimum of 100 NHEC members.

Candidates nominated by the committee seeking election to three-year terms are:

  • Patricia Barbour of Lee
  • Paul Bolduc of Bartlett
  • James Krull of Plymouth
  • Peter Laufenberg of Thornton
  • Jeffrey Morrill of Holderness
  • Brian Norton of Campton.

Those candidates who submitted petitions with the required signatures to run for the board are:

  • Brenda Boisvert of Campton
  • Leo Dwyer of Sandwich
  • Jerry Stringham of North Woodstock

Members will also be asked to decide on a proposed amendment to the NHEC Code of Bylaws. The proposed amendment, which was submitted by petition and is not supported by the Board of Directors, seeks to expand the Board’s powers of access to Cooperative working documents.

NHEC members are receiving written statements from the candidates in support of their candidacies, along with a ballot and a postage-paid return envelope. To save time, money and resources, NHEC encourages all members to vote securely online instead of returning a paper ballot. Each ballot mailing will include instructions for voting quickly and securely online.

NHEC members have until Wednesday, June 12, 2024, to return their completed paper ballot or cast their electronic ballot. Election results will be announced at the 85th Annual Meeting of Members, to be held Tuesday, June 18 at 5:30 p.m. at Owl’s Nest Resort in Thornton. Members can also attend the Annual Meeting online. To register to attend in-person or online, please visit:


All NHEC members are welcome to attend. Resort activities such as tennis, pickleball, paddle boarding, golf and more are free or discounted for NHEC members from noon to 5 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Childcare and overnight accommodations are also available.